Steven Tang
Game Developer
Steven Tang
Game Developer
San Francisco Bay Area
Experience with testing and shipping products from concept to release
Experienced in agile development process
Mobile development experience
Unity Experience
Experience working with designers and engineers
Excellent team player
Work Experience
Co-Founder/Game Developer - Polycarbon Games Oct 2014 - Present
Implementation of UI graphics and UX menu & flow systems
Management of version control pushes and organization of project assets
Design & documentation of core gameplay mechanics and user experiences
Developed, tested, deployed and published several games on the Google play store
Contractor - Karma Play India/Weplay Interactive Mar 2019 - Jun 2020
Design and implementation of UI menu interface for racing game title
Prototype of multiplayer implementation using photon plugin
Assisted level designer in creation of levels with focus on using easyroads
asset store plugin to create all tracks on all levels
Intern - Ameon Entertainment Apr 2013 - Jun 2013
Play tested games for iPhone and Ouya
Designed paper level maps & designs for several mobile titles
Contributed graphics and ideas to several shipped mobile titles
Level Designer - Tropekoller Group Project Sept 2011 - Dec 2011
Managed the team's UDK packages and map files
Designed and greyboxed layout of major portion of the game
Helped with scripting basic to intermediate events via kismet
Created some of the 3D model assets used in the game
Play tested game for bugs and issues
Technical Skills
Skill Set: Game design documentation, Level paper mapping, Experience using agile methodologies and techniques, Greybox prototyping, C# scripting, Basic/Intermediate 3D modeling & texturing, Kismet/Blueprint visual scripting
Editors/Game Engines: Unity 5, Unreal Engine 4
Programs/Applications: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Adobe Photoshop, Autodesk Maya, Blender, Sourcetree
Strengths: Highly organized, Strong work ethics, Attentive to details, Punctual, Strong communication and writing skills
Awards & Accomplishments
2012 Academy of Art University Spring Show, 1st Place in Level Design
Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA. B.F.A. Game Design. Fall 2012.
Diablo Valley College, Concord, CA. Graphic Design. 2007.
Deer Valley High School, Antioch, CA, G.E.D. 2004.
Native or Bilingual proficiency
Limited working proficiency